Robert van der Hilst | Private Artist Tour艺术家私人导览
For this exhibition, we have selected some of Robert’s classic works, covering 40 years of his creative journey from 1971 to 2010, with photographs taken in Cuba, Mexico, Morocco, Qatar, India, the UK and China. Robert sees his photography as a record of humanity and views it as a reflection of time.
在这个驻地摄影展中,通过罗伯特的镜头体验世界。你可以与罗伯特面对面交流,深入探讨他作品背后的灵感,并有限定数量的书籍《TIMELESS WORLD 永恒的世界》《SHANGHAI 上海1990-1993》参与艺术家签售会。去探索罗伯特从世界各地捕捉到的扣人心弦的生活故事和令人惊叹的风景。
Experience the world through the lens of Robert van der Hilst on his exclusive photography exhibition tour, who stayed on our residency. Meet the photographer in person to disscus the inspiration behind his works and get your "Timeless World" and "Shanghai 1990 -1993" books signed by Robert. Discover compelling life stories and breathtaking landscapes captured from across the globe by Robert.
Get your tickets with us now and join a journey full of inspiration.
E.SCAPE是一个集艺术、设计、时尚、音乐和表演于一体的实验室。空间位于上海市武康路,在当地语境下支持年轻创作者、国际社团、艺术家驻留、文化活动和艺术现场等项目。E.SCAPE 艺术空间致力于展示和探索创造性事件的多元空间,将艺术中的人性转化为有形的、面向公众的叙事,并审视其如何塑造当代文化。